Good Eats

When I posted my last blog entry, it reminded me of how much I liked corn bread pudding. I decided I wanted to make it for this blog. I asked my friend where he'd gotten the recipe. He showed me the link, but he also told me about the TV show where he'd gotten the recipe. I decided to watch an episode.

The show is called Good Eats, starring Alton Brown. I had watched cooking shows in Vietnam but I thought they were boring. They just showed people standing at a counter putting ingredients together. Sometimes they showed how to do something interesting, but they never gave the reason. My friend told me I should watch Good Eats, but I didn't want to. But now I am glad I did.

Good Eats is different from regular cooking shows. First of all, it's funny. He tells little stories and jokes. When he made corn bread pudding, he covered his eyes to show how easy it was. He also gives you the history of the food. I watched the Thanksgiving episode and he talked about how the first Thanksgiving was very different from what we have now. He also uses fun illustrations to show the chemistry of food.

The show reminded me of my friend from France, who taught me how to brine a turkey. I was surprised to see Alton Brown do the same thing on his show. It makes me wonder how my friend would know about this, because turkey is American. I am very excited to watch more Good Eats, and now I will make my own corn bread pudding! I will tell you about it next time.


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